St Martin – St Maarten
Browse the 2018 issue of Discover Saint Martin – Sint Maarten – n°32

Discover n°32

Island revival.

The magazine you are holding is the 32nd edition of Discover Saint Martin. The history of magazine publication reveals that a record of more than thirty years, which is unusual, is proof of the relevance and the quality of the publication.

Every year, residents and visitors alike eagerly await the arrival of Discover magazine for a chance to discover or rediscover their favorite island, its life-style, its inhabitants. Every year, the editorial team works hard and with passion to produce the magazine you are reading, that shows the many facets of the island and its natural beauty, recounts the art of living we are famous for, and highlights the talents of our islanders who make this Friendly Island a place that is unique and uniquely lovable.

This Number 32 is special. It is charged with a heightened, more powerful emotion. It should have been published at the end of 2017. However, in early September as we were going to press, Irma, the most powerful hurricane ever recorded in this part of the world, tore through Saint Martin-Sint Maarten, leaving an island destroyed and a population bruised and stunned.

Every sector of the island economy was harshly affected. At Rosdal publications, we asked ourselves: What should we do? Could we go on? These doubts and questions were quickly brushed aside, replaced by a stronger motivation, a renewed resolve to prepare the magazine you hold today. This 32nd edition of Discover Saint Martin is the product of resilience, determination and positivity. One of many symbols of the will to bounce back demonstrated by the island inhabitants. Saint Martin-Sint Maarten is back in business and delighted to welcome you. Each of us has worked day by day to achieve our collective revival from the hurricane and, in spite of the damage inflicted by Irma, you will find the island as beautiful as ever thanks to the formidable capacity of Nature to regenerate after such a disaster. Please help us protect our natural environment by avoiding the use of disposable plastic items and packaging.

As fascinating and inspiring as ever, Saint Martin-Sint Maarten will continue to nourish our dreams. More joyfully than ever, the Friendly Island welcomes you with open arms.

Team & staff of Discover St. Martin / St. Maarten

Discover’s Team

Directeur de la publication
Guy Rosa
Directeur commercial
William Rosa
Direction artistique
Thomas Proust
Stéphanie Leroy
Régie publicitaire & fabrication
Rosdal Saint Martin

Magazine’s Contributors

Delphine Gavach | Charlotte Reville
Kay Bourlier
Francesco Amiaud | Candice Behlert | Richard Hazel | Cameron Hyman  | Thomas Proust | Sotheby’s | SXM Festival


Discover Saint-Martin n°32 / 2018 – ISSN 1165-4589 © 2010 – Discover Saint-Martin / Sint Maarten est édité par : SNC Rosdal Saint-Martin – ZA1 Bellevue B.P. 478 97055 Saint-Martin Cedex – Tél. : 05 90 77 48 10 – – – – Siret 398 567 289 000 – 10 APE 5814 Z – La loi du 11 mars 1957 interdit les copies et les reproductions destinées à l’utilisation collective. – Toute représentation ou reproduction même partielle faite par quelque procédé que ce soit, sans le consentement de l’auteur ou de ses ayants cause, est illicite et cause une contrefaçon sanctionnée par les articles 425 et suivants du code pénal. – La marque Discover Saint-Martin est déposée en France et à l’étranger. – N° de dépôt : 885 309 – N° d’enregistrement : 1 591 981 – Date de dépôt : 30 Octobre 1987 – Renouvellement : Octobre 2007 – Impression : Grupo Monterreina – Communauté Européenne

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