St Martin – St Maarten
Browse the 2021 issue of Discover Saint Martin – Sint Maarten – n°35

Discover n°35

  You are holding the 35th edition of Discover, the first magazine devoted to the beautiful island of Saint Martin, its art of living, its culture and its heritage. All 35 editions have celebrated the Friendly Island and its residents through superb photography and articles recounting both the history and the modern life of the territory. These 35 magazines have spread the reputation of the island across the globe when visitors have taken them home with them. They also showcase the talent and the passion of the island photographers, artists, historians and writers who have contributed to their creation for more than 35 years. The primary subject of all 35 editions has been the same, Saint Martin, but every year we focus attention on different aspects of our vibrant and dynamic island culture. Constantly changing and evolving, the island advances in step with the surrounding world while retaining its distinctive identity. Diversity is one of its most important characteristics, as well as the values of freedom and respect shared by all who share the territory. Friendly and resilient, Saint Martin is home to people of more than 100 nationalities living in harmony. A Saint-Martiner’s heart is as big as the waters surrounding the island and no one remains untouched by the discovery of this little pebble in the ocean. The kindness of the residents, the natural beauty of the land, its culture and its heritage, its diversity and its vibrancy make it a unique and exceptionally friendly place. Saint Martin is a treasure that Discover magazine has celebrated for more than 35 years by sharing with all our readers our love for this Friendly Island.

L’équipe de Discover St. Martin

L’équipe Discover

Directeur de la publication
William Rosa
Service commercial
Direction artistique
Thomas Proust
Thomas Proust
Régie publicitaire & fabrication
SNC Rosdal Saint Martin

Les contributeurs

Christophe Hénocq – Charlotte Reville – Roland Richardson – Mark Yokoyama
Kay Bourlier

Thomas Proust – Donovane Tremor – Cameron Hyman Mark Yokoyama – Florent Letuvée – Carapresse – Agnès Etchegoyen – Patrick Beaudou


Discover Saint-Martin n°35/2022-ISSN1165-4589 © 2022 – Discover Saint-Martin / Sint Maarten est édité par : SNCRosdal Saint-Martin – ZA 1 Bellevue B.P. 478 97055 Saint-Martin Cedex – Tél : 05 90 77 48 10 – – – – Siret 398 567 289 000 – 10 APE 5814 Z – La loi du 11 mars 1957 interdit les copies et les reproductions destinées à l’utilisation collective. Toute représentation ou reproduction même partielle faite par quelque procédé que ce soit, sans le consentement de l’auteur ou de ses ayants cause, est illicite et cause une contrefaçon sanctionnée par les articles 425 et suivants du code pénal. – La marque Discover Saint-Martin est déposée en France et à l’étranger. – N° de dépôt : 885 309 – N° d’enregistrement : 1 591 981 – Date de dépôt : 30 Octobre 1987 – Renouvellement : Octobre 2007 – Impression : Grupo Monterreina – Communauté Européenne

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