St Martin – St Maarten

Read online issue #36

Discover n°36


Dear readers and friends of Saint Martin,

It is with great pleasure that we offer you this 36th edition of Discover Saint Martin. We will take you on an extraordinary voyage across the Friendly Island, this tiny island in the Caribbean Sea, rich in diversity, culture and natural beauty.

When we started out on this publishing adventure, our goal was to share the joy of Saint Martin-Sint Maarten with the entire world. Over the years, we have witnessed the evolution of our territory, its warm and welcoming inhabitants, and its breathtakingly beautiful natural setting. This edition celebrates the continuation of our initial objective, but also the renewal that characterizes Saint Martin.

The following pages are full of exquisite photography, captivating stories about the island, its culture and its gastronomy and, of course, the unique and singular personalities that make Saint Martin the jewel of the Caribbean. We are proud to highlight the charm of the island, the passion of its entrepreneurs, the talent of its artists and of all who contribute to the vitality of Saint Martin-Sint Maarten.

One of the most remarkable features of the Friendly Island is its capacity to bring together people from all over the world. Visitors are drawn here by the white sandy beaches, the limpid turquoise waters, the fiery sunsets and the gourmet food that is famous the world over, but they come back because of the warmth of the island’s soul and the legendary generosity of its population.

With this 36th edition, we would also like to encourage you to protect the island and to support local initiatives that are striving to preserve the Friendly Island for future generations.
We thank you for your loyalty to Discover Saint Martin because without you this magazine could not exist. May this 36th edition be a source of inspiration, of wonder and of sharing, just like Saint Martin itself.

Enjoy reading it and enjoy your stay with us.

This 36th edition of Discover Saint Martin is dedicated to the memory of Frédéric Erb, a passionate and fascinating islander whom we lost at the beginning of 2023. A loyal friend and an enthusiastic entrepreneur who always believed in Marigot and its potential, we will remember his kindness, his legendary joie de vivre and his commitment to enhancing the quality of life on Saint Martin.

L’équipe de Discover St. Martin

L’équipe Discover

Directeur de la publication
William Rosa
Service commercial
Direction artistique
Thomas Proust
Thomas Proust
Régie publicitaire & fabrication
SNC Rosdal Saint Martin

Les contributeurs

Christophe Hénocq – Charlotte Reville – Roland Richardson – Mark Yokoyama
Kay Bourlier

Thomas Proust – Donovane Tremor – Cameron Hyman Mark Yokoyama –

Richard Hazel – Axel Hubler – Nature Foundation – Sylvie Olivier


Discover Saint-Martin n°35/2022-ISSN1165-4589 © 2022 – Discover Saint-Martin / Sint Maarten est édité par : SNCRosdal Saint-Martin – ZA 1 Bellevue B.P. 478 97055 Saint-Martin Cedex – Tél : 05 90 77 48 10 – – – – Siret 398 567 289 000 – 10 APE 5814 Z – La loi du 11 mars 1957 interdit les copies et les reproductions destinées à l’utilisation collective. Toute représentation ou reproduction même partielle faite par quelque procédé que ce soit, sans le consentement de l’auteur ou de ses ayants cause, est illicite et cause une contrefaçon sanctionnée par les articles 425 et suivants du code pénal. – La marque Discover Saint-Martin est déposée en France et à l’étranger. – N° de dépôt : 885 309 – N° d’enregistrement : 1 591 981 – Date de dépôt : 30 Octobre 1987 – Renouvellement : Octobre 2007 – Impression : Grupo Monterreina – Communauté Européenne

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